Cartoons in sound
Vivaldi and his contemporaries painted with sounds. Their mission was to strike the listener amidships with music that is so evocative that it is almost palpable. Such orchestral works as Fux’ Le dolcezze e l’amarezze della notte, Heinrich Biber’s Battalia and Telemann’s Concerto ‘Die Relinge’ or ‘The Frogs’ unfold like cartoons in sound. The bittersweet night, a wounded musketeer, spluttering drinkers and croaking frogs courting one another: a great variety of scenes appear to the mind’s eye – at first subdued, then exuberant, often extremely humorous. Vivaldi’s spectacular Concerto per la solennità di San Lorenzo and his concerto grossi also conjure up a wide range of human emotions. B’Rock is joining forces with a kindred musical spirit of its early days: Dmitry Sinkovsky. Roused by his boundless virtuosity and intense expressiveness, the orchestra brings the baroque world of images to life.
Casa Kafka Pictures
Isabelle Molhant
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