KASK Conservatory Ghent

Within recent times, the professional profile and artistic surrounding of young musicians have quite drastically changed. Professionals of tomorrow are asked for openness towards new concert formats and the willingness to understand one’s own role as going far beyond the pure concert performance on stage. And: historically informed practice is a fundamental interpretational skill and requested also by modern orchestras.

Here comes the cooperation of B’Rock Orchestra and KASK Conservatory Ghent to play: B’Rock players are role models of modern musicianship and eager to share their experience and expertise with younger colleagues. KASK Conservatory shares the awareness for changing needs in the professional education and puts particular weight on cross-fertilization between different artistic fields – a perfect match! B’Rock coaches and conservatory students regularly get together for interactive masterclasses, usually in connection with an ongoing B’Rock project.

In addition to instrumental sessions, B’Rock aims at passing on valuable know-how for independently thinking musicians: topics such as successful self-management, an open approach to new concert formats and interdisciplinary productions are increasingly part of our collaboration. In the current season, masterclasses focus on baroque opera as part of our Dido & Aeneas project.

Visit the KASK Conservatory website