
Orlando II

The desperation of love

René Jacobs
Bejun Mehta
Lenneke Ruiten
Sophie Karthäuser
Soprano (in Beaune and Bruges)
Kristrina Hammarström
Sunhae Im
Konstantin Wolff

Orlando is desperately in love with the pagan princess Angelica, who is in turn in love with an African prince. In this hopeless situation Orlando is driven to madness from which only the magician Zoroastro can save him. With this opera by Händel, B’Rock debuted in De Munt/La Monnaie conducted by Réne Jacobs in May 2012. The vivid interpretation of Jacobs and the contemporary approach of stage director Pierre Audi was warmly welcomed by both the public and the critics. Because of this an international revival will take place in this season.

The album was released in May 2014, you can order Orlando via our webshop.

A most vivid production
Christoph Vratz Fono Forum, 15.06.2014
Schließlich das noch neue belgische Originalklang-Orchester (und darin vor allem ein äußerst agiler und fantasievoller Cembalist), das vollgültig die fehlende Szene imaginiert. Da brummt und keucht, quietscht und kracht es, die Partitur wird vorn Rezitativ zu Accompagnato zu Arie mit stets neuen, individuellen Farben realisiert.
Mas, 17.07.2014
Together with B'Rock Orchestra, René Jacobs, proves yet again to be Handel's best representative.
Het Parool, 10.06.2014
Encore faut-il la virtuosité, l'enthousiasme et la réactivité du B'Rock. Cet imposant orchestre baroque (...) est en passe de devenir l'un des meilleurs du genre
Martine D. Mergeay La Libre Belgique, 05.08.2013
The young Belgian orchestra, B'Rock, doesn't have the reputation of Concerto Köln of the Freiburger Barockorchester, but it sparks from the first till the last note and isn't afraid to play fortissimo.
Henri Drost Cultuurpers, 10.06.2014
René Jacobs parvient à tirer le meilleur de cet orchestre qui dit s'être donné pour objectif de renouveler l'interprétation de la musique ancienne en mettant surtout l'accent sur l'expressivité. Pari réussi : jamais, pendant les trois heures que dure ce drame, on n'éprouve un sentiment de « déjà vu » ou de « déjà entendu » !
Blogspot, 20.06.2014
A continuous variety is guaranteed by B'Rock, the Flemish ensemble vividly conducted by Handel specialist René Jacobs.
Floris Don NRC Handelsblad, 08.06.2014
The unconventional duets and open arias are right up the alley of René Jacobs and the young ensemble B'Rock, who combines a sonorous, dark sound with a sparkling style.
Martin Toet Place de l'Opera, 11.06.2014
"A flawless Handel like this is rarely to be heard" *****
Oswin Schneeweisz Theaterkrant, 10.06.2014
René Jacobs at his best (...) Baroque Orchestra B'Rock perfectly keeps the situation under control.
Philippe Dewolf Musiq 3, 23.04.2012
Mit René Jacobs stand einer der führenden Fachleute der Alten Musik am Pult des historisch besetzten B'Rock Orchestra aus Gent die ausgesprochen souverän mit Händels Partitur umging.
Johannes Zink General Anzeiger, 17.06.2014
René Jacobs drew exciting dark colours from the excellent B'Rock Orchestra. As always with the Belgian maestro, changes in tempi, volume and colour, as well as sound effects (wind, thunder), are not for the faint-hearted : his energy and sense of drama unveiled the theatrical character the score. Even the continuo, rich in nuances, succeeded in keeping the audience on its toes.
Nicolas Nguyen Bachtrack, 10.06.2014