Alexander Melnikov

Known for his often unusual musical and programmatic decisions, Alexander Melnikov developed his career-long interest in historically informed performance practice early on. His major influences in this field include Andreas Staier and Alexei Lubimov.

With B’Rock Orchestra, Alexander Melnikov will embark on a quest for the unmistakable click between keyboard(s) and the orchestra. First, there is The Listeners Academy, a lively, theatrical moderated concert focussing on aspects of a genre or a work such as Beethoven’s First Piano Concerto. Live examples pull the audience deep into the music, opening ears and sparking curiosity.

The coming years will also see purely musical projects highlighting some rapid, fundamental changes in (keyboard) music history. For instance, think of the time when Bach was writing his last works, while Haydn was already composing his string quartets.

Plans include projects on the concerto grosso, the concertos of Johann Sebastian Bach, or on innovators like Carl Philipp Emmanuel Bach.