Andreas Küppers

Piano, pianoforte and harpsichord *

Young Andreas has always been surrounded by music. “My father played piano and my mother recorder: we sang a lot and listened to recordings. I never wanted to be anything other than a musician”. At the age of 7 he picked up the modern piano, and gradually turned to earlier keyboard instruments. What he loves about his instruments is “the elegance of the sound and the eloquence of the articulation”. Artworks that move him are “the sacred works of Bach, Piano-Pieces from Schubert and Debussy, Symphonies of Brahms, Paintings from Alfred Sisley, Poems from Rilke, Novels from Henri Bosco and a lot more…”

For Andreas, working together with B’Rock stands out due to “the broadest possible repertoire, the experimental approach, the democratic structure, and the mix of love and freedom!”

* Andreas holds the Artistic direction of the B’Rock Vocal Consort