Bart Aerbeydt

Shared principale horn

Bart was inspired to start making music by his father’s large LP collection. His dad introduced young Bart and his sisters to all the instruments. For Bart, it was the LP with Mozart’s horn concerti that made him fall in love with the instrument. To the question whether he’s the rebel, Bart says: “I play the natural horn: that says it all…” He chose the natural horn because he loves the “colours and diversity of the instrument. Yet the toughest part is exactly that… to make it sound like a musical instrument!”

When not making music, you can find Bart listening to podcasts, walking in the woods or – even better – doing both together. He also loves watching a good movie and enjoying a quality drink or – even better  – doing both together. Returning home from a long tour, Bart likes to start with a game of table tennis with his kids.